
Центральные Гималаи. 2003-апрель

Central Himalayas. 2003.

There are a lot of pictures from beautiful places of our planet were obtained as a result of expeditions.

The Himalayas, the highest mountain system of the Earth, appear as a huge crown stretching from the East to the West for 2,400 kilometres and separating off the Tibetan Plateau from the Indo-Ganges Plain of India. The whole of Tibet faces the Great Himalayas, and so do the people from behind the Great Mountains, that is residents of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar. Like a mighty magnet, the Himalayas attract the human’s sight from everywhere and not only that of religious people from certain countries, as the Himalayas have always been the seat of hundreds of Hindu, Tibetan and Lamaistic shrines, but also the sight of the people in Europe, America, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, and they come there as travellers and mountain climbers.



According to encyclopedias and textbooks on Geography, Lake Baikal is 1637 metres deep and it is the deepest lake in the world. This knowledge seems to be self-evident and as undeniable as the fact that Moscow is the capital of our homeland. But up to a certain point. For you have only to see Baikal yourself and to speak with native people and you will realize that both the town-dwellers and the country people of the Baikal region have their own idea of that wonder of nature, and it would not agree with the common opinion of the lake at all. If you deal, for instance, with the depth of Baikal, you will be given to understand that the immense deep of Lake Baikal was sounded, indeed, but the attempts were successful at one or two spots only while the most part of the research yielded no result. Your puzzled ignorance will be given a very plain lesson:

-Just no result, indeed. For there is no bottom at all.

The Temples of Khajuraho

The Temples of Khajuraho

Khajuraho in Central India is the seat of a royal complex of temples. They were built in a span from 950 to 1050 AD and included over 80 buildings. Now only 24 structures make all that remains of the complex. The temples were built at will of the mighty rulers of the Chandela dynasty. The kings wished to decorate their capital with buildings that had to combine the best features of the Hindu architecture. After the downfall of the dynasty in the 12th century the temples and the artificial ponds around them fell to desolation. For full seven centuries the jungles had been taking their toll on the site till regular excavations began in1906. The temples are made of goldish sandstone and faced all over with carved work in relief that goes from the hall called Mandap upwards to the main tower called Shikhara. The innumerable figures done in relief represent warriors, dancing women, elephants, acrobats, horses, musicians, hunters, loving couples.

The Wildlife in Africa

The Wildlife in Africa

“The African elephants are noticeably bigger than the Indian ones,” – the idea flashed across my mind when our van that was swiftly passing through vast spaces in the very heart of Manyara, stopped all of a sudden and then began to move backwards because an elephant, a loner of mighty build, was trampling along the reddish dust of a country road just towards us. Its tusk, the right one, being broken long ago, was two thirds shorter than the left one. The remaining piece glittered with rough and sordid yellowish fault place. The elephant must be rebellious in spirit. Moreover. its large and bulging ears, resembling burdocks, demonstrated quite evidently that the animal was in a temper.


Mobile exhibitions

More than 15 years many exhibition travel around Russian and cities and aboard. There are more than 350 exhibitions of fine art reproductions and nature images.


Культурно-выставочный центр "Радуга", Самара

Культурно-выставочный центр Радуга, Самара

24 марта 1998 года в городе Самаре открылся культурно-выставочный центр "Радуга".

В наших залах экспонируются уникальные копии картин великих мастеров живописи разных эпох и направлений, воспроизведенные на холсте или бумаге по специально созданной технологии. Оправленные в рамы, копии шедевров мирового искусства, получают вторую жизнь, может быть более полнокровную, чем подлинники - ведь их видят десятки тысяч людей. Красота, много лет назад запечатленная кистью мастера, делает жизнь современного человека светлее и радостнее.


Культурно-выставочные центры "Радуга" в городах России и Украины

Культурно-выставочные центры Радуга в городах России и Украины

Семь городов России и Украины, как семь цветов небесной радуги, объединились в служении Красоте. Усилия подвижников культуры на протяжении шести лет зажигают новые лучи света для всех желающих удивиться обновляющей силе искусства.
